Calvary Youth

Calvary Youth

Join us for every Sunday @ 9:30 am
for breakfast and juice before we study God's word.
The Rules of Joseph
At Calvary Baptist Youth, we agree that the teenage years can be pretty rough.  But God gives us everything we need to make it through.  Jacob's son, Joseph, went through some of the worst circumstances of anyone in the Bible.  One of those trials was having his death staged as he was sold into slavery by his older brothers.  Yet Joseph prevailed because of His wonderful relationship with the Lord.  The Rules of Joseph will not only help you navigate through some difficult adolescent years, but these can help guide you all through life.

 The Rules of Joseph
Work Hard
Make Good Decisions 
Be Patient 
Give God Credit
Join us Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am to learn how to join in on our group devotion.  Using the YouVersion Bible App, we join a group devotion that follows the theme from Sunday lessons. This allows us to build upon the principals we learn from the message through the week.   

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